You know whats really fun?......Striking up a conversation with a complete and total stranger. Now, thats not to say that you approach just anyone on the street, but, when the situation arises, don't be shy! You may be surprised by your new aquaintance.
Case in point. Yesterday, I went with my daughter to go have her car smogged. Now, lets face it, having a car smogged is not the most exciting thing to do. She didn't want to go alone, she still needs her mama. It's one of those mundane life tasks that just have to be done. As we were sitting outside the smog shop, I was looking around and enjoying the beautiful warm sun. It's been really cold and rainy here in Cali lately so the weather was a welcome respite. An older gentleman pulled up in a van to have his car smogged. He walked over to the benches and sat down across from us and started to engage us in conversation.
My daughter told him of her plans to move to Alaska to be with her fiancee who is stationed there in the army. He was so sweet. he offered her such fatherly advice and we sat and talked till all of a sudden, the car was done being smogged. It was such easy conversation and we talked like we had known each other for years! What was a boring morning turned into an interesting time at the smog shop!
So , if you are sitting somewhere, doing something that lacks interest, you know, like the DMV (Eeeek) for instance, engage the person next to you in conversation and watch the time fly. And who knows, you may make a new friend!
So here is the finished Koi painting. I am really happy with the way it turned out. Sometimes you just don't know. I have painted paintings that I was not at all happy with, it happens. But remember, even if a painting you are working on doesn't feel right to you, it can always be changed or fixed so don't give up on it.
"Blissful Koi"
16X20 Mixed Media Acrylic
Another one finished.......It feels so good to finish up a painting! Now, I must work on my new bird painting and I will have my progress on that one up soon. Enjoy!