The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery

......Francis Bacon

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Peaceful Buddha

 Namaste!.......I have been busy painting up a lot of these small canvasses. Still getting prepared for February's show. This canvas that I showed you from yesterday's post.........

  Has now turned into this...................

"Peaceful Buddha"
2 1/2 X 3 1/2 Acrylic Mixed Media

The tissue adds so much more texture and definition to the painting. I have left just small specks of it coming through in the work. Enjoy your day!

Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
It isn't more complicated that that.
It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is,
without either clinging to it or rejecting it.
Sylvia Boorstein

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I'm not making any.

  Instead of resolutions, I am making intentions. I like that word better. The word "resolutions" sounds to me like I am just trying to possibly resolve hypothetical problems. Things in my life that are not working for me, almost resigning myself to the fact that I even have issues and must correct them. Does that make sense?

  Intentions, on the other hand, means to me that I "intend" to make changes. It's my choice to make them and fix them in my own way and in my own time. Much better. I really don't need the pressure!

  One of my "intentions", is to get a morning routine going. This is hard for me as I tend to procrastinate the most in the morning. I will say to myself, "Ok, I'm going to get into the studio early today" but instead, I make a side trip into the kitchen to find dishes in the sink and a floor that needs mopping. By the time I'm done with those chores, I may notice that the driveway is covered in leaves..........and so it goes. See, this really isn't an issue, it's just a habit thats not working for me.

  Here is the morning routine I want to adopt. Wake up, shower,  feed the critters, Do my morning Yoga stretches, make coffee and then get my butt in the studio before 9:00 ! It CAN be done! I know, because I actually tried it this morning and it worked! Ha!

  Now I just have to turn it into my NEW habit and voila!

  Anywho, I did manage to finish another mini painting before Christmas day. This one is based on "Winter Bird" which sold really quick. This is "Winter Birds" cousin......."Snow Bird"

"Snow Bird"
3X3 Acrylic Mixed Media Collage

I really like the detail on the sides of the canvas. 

And I am now working on these two mini's...........

Can you tell what this is?

Yes, your right....that is pattern tissue. 

I will keep you posted on the progress of these two minis. I hope all your New Years "Intentions", if you decide to make some, all work out for you too!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Wish I Wish I Wish I Were A Fish

 Remember the movie, The Incredible Mr. Limpet? with Don Knots. He wanted so badly to be a fish that his wish came true.

  In watching koi swim around in their environment, I can't help but wonder what it must be like. To swim in peaceful calm water all day, carefree and happy. The coolness of the water, the weightless feeling of their bodies, the ease at which their bodies move through their  liquid world. Pure bliss!

  I created this tiny 3X3 work yesterday. I haven't even come up with a title for this painting yet but I wanted to get it up here on my blog.

3X3 On Canvas

I will come up with a title at some point. Sometimes, it's just a little more difficult to name them. I am on my way out the door to finish up more "Santa" duties. Hopefully before the next storm comes in. Thanks for visiting and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 20, 2010


Like The Touch Of Rain

Like the touch of rain she was
On a man's flesh and hair and eyes
When the joy of walking thus
Has taken him by surprise:

With the love of the storm he burns,
He sings, he laughs, well I know how,
But forgets when he returns
As I shall not forget her 'Go now'.

Those two words shut a door
Between me and the blessed rain
That was never shut before
And will not open again.- Edward Thomas

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Recently Sold Work

 These paintings sold this week..  Thank you to all my loyal customers and..........

"Tempest"  SOLD

"Winter Bird"  SOLD

A very Happy Holiday to everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Finished At last...Whew!

 Here he is, all finished. Tomorrow, both these paintings are going up north to the gallery. He was a real labor of love and I am pleased with the way he turned out. The small,scribble flowers you see in these two paintings are my trademark, "mark". They are in every painting I paint, whether you can see them or not, they are there.

"The Light"
16X20 Acrylic, Mixed, Media

"In My Pond"
16X20 Acrylic, Mixed Media

I have another show coming up in February that I need to get ready for. I'm going to be painting up some smaller paintings for that show. I still have two more large paintings right now in progress and many more in my head that I have to get down on canvas, including another Buddha. So much to do.......I better get busy!

Painting For A Friend

I have a very good friend that had really liked a little mini painting that I had painted awhile back. It sold before she had a chance to purchase it, so I decided to paint another mini up just for her......

"Cheryls Pansy"
3X3 Acrylic Collage On Canvas

She is a very talented pianist so I put vintage music notes paper behind the pansy, letting it peek through the colors. She loves pansies and soft feminine colors. 

I enjoy painting these small works. Christy, my wonderful agent calls them 'Office Art" because a lot of my clients adorn their office cubbies with them. They add just the right amount of whimsey and color to a usually stark office enviroment. And the tiny easels are so sweet!

  Anyway........Cheryl loved it when I gave it to her. Now it's back to the studio to finish up my Buddha painting. It, along with one of my  koi paintings are going up to the gallery in Summerland tomorrow.  I will post the finished painting later today. Have a great weekend and holiday!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Studio Shots

 Wednesday morning in the studio......................

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And....Thats It For today!

 Ok..this is where I am leaving it today. I worked just on the face. It's not done, it still is a long way off from being finished but, I made a lot of progress. More tomorrow!

My Progression On Buddha

Just a quick update on my Buddha painting. I'm still laying in base color but I am making steady progress! Lots of texture in this one too. Enjoy, I will post again soon.

"The Light"
16X20 Mixed Media

Monday, December 13, 2010

Painting Progress

Good morning and happy Monday!.......It's a brand new week!

  This is what I woke up to this morning...............progress on my active paintings. I say active because I also have several that are sitting neglected and unfinished right now but I will get to them eventually.

"White Vase"
24X24 Mixed Media On Canvas

This one still has a long way to go but I am liking it so far.

And then, there is Buddha. I am still "tweaking" the sketch but I think I may be getting close!

"The Light"
16X20 Mixed Media On Canvas

I just thought I would share with you all where these works are at in this moment. Maybe, If I'm lucky, I will have more progress to share later in the day. Have a great Monday and go make some art!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Peace Serenity Awareness

When I am painting a subject I'm really not familiar with, I try to learn all I can about it. I have learned so much about Buddha and his life and ways. It has been a fascinating journey!

   When finished, this painting is going to "The Sacred Space" up in beautiful,  Summerland California. You should check out this site!

16X20 Canvas

As usual, how you see this sketch now will probably change as I work on it, it most always does, but I will post more pics as this painting progresses.

Live in Joy

Live in Joy, In love,
Even among those who hate.

Live in joy, In health,
Even among the afflicted.

Live in joy, In peace,
Even among the troubled.

Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of living in the way.


There is no fire like greed,
No crime like hatred,
No sorrow like separation,
No sickness like hunger of heart,
And no joy like the joy of freedom.

Health, contentment and trust
Are your greatest possessions,
And freedom your greatest joy.

Look within. Be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
Know the sweet joy of living in the way.

from the Dhammapada, Words of the Buddha 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Morning Warm Up

 All you painters out there, how do you "warm-up"? Here is what I sometimes do to get the creative juices flowing.....

15X30 Canvas

    I write, faithful Sharpie in hand,  Usually all over my canvas. Whatever words come to mind, they just spill over onto my blank, raw, fabric. At times, they won't even make sense to anyone but myself.  This works for me and gives me a closer connection to my work. Sometimes, in my finished paintings you will see a hint of these words just peeking out from under layers of color. Other times, the words are only visible to me I know they are there.

What connects you to your work?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm Listening

 Go ahead and tell me everything, isn't that what friends are for?

"I'm Listening"
9X12 Acrylic Mixed Media
On Canvas 

 I worked on this painting yesterday and thought of a conversation I had with a friend the night before. She just needed to vent and I just needed to listen. Sometimes, as friends, thats all we need to do, just listen. As you can see, she is totally focused on the conversation, intently listening. I'm not sure she is finished yet so I am letting her "percolate" for a bit before calling her done.

The simple art of listening, a little goes a long way.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Painting....Wild Woman

Just look at that mop on her head!  Looks just like me in the morning, before my coffee.

9X12 Gallery Canvas

  She is new, just sketched this morning on a toned and collaged canvas.  and I am ready to color her up! And on my easel at the other end of my studio, I have a large abstract under way, 15X30.  I will post that pic soon too. I finished another Koi painting yesterday so I am on a roll. It feels so good when my muse is this strong. I LOVE it! Monday, my muse was no where to be found. No kidding. See my sketch above? I looked just like that, no muse in sight.

But, lo and behold, my muse seems to always come back, I just need to take the time to let it manifest again and not get freaked out!

  So.......If you happen to lose your muse, just give it a little time, take a little break and it will be there, hiding just around the corner.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December Daily Drawing No. 7

 I haven't been posting all of my daily December drawings, shame on me. I HAVE been doing them though, no, really, I have, I just get so busy sometimes that I don't get them posted. Here is Day No. 7....

"My Morning Coffee Mug"

  What I did here was I timed myself only 3 minutes and I didn't remove my pencil from the paper. I also tried not to look at the paper but keep my eyes on the mug. I have to admit, I peeked a couple times! This is a fun exercise to try, and a good way to practice shape and form.  And I have a witness!.............

  Sadie kept an eye on me to make sure I was doing this right. See how intense she is.  Of course, she had to dress up for the camera in her holiday best! I will try to get all my daily drawings up eventually. In the meantime, have a great and artistic day!


Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Bird Large Mug Bohemian Chic Art

Have your coffee in the morning and enjoy it along with my art! Click the link above to order.

Feeling A Little Abstract Today

I had one of those mornings, for no real reason. I just couldn't get myself motivated. I know when I do have one of those mornings, all I need to do is SOMETHING. It's true, I just need to go for it.

  I still have a few of my really small canvasses left so I decided to paint up two little abstracts. I thought that would be a good way to warm up and get in the groove, so to speak. Well it worked! I really like them!

'Tropic Storm"
2 1/2 X 3 1/2 acrylic on canvas

3X3 acrylic on canvas

I love working on these small canvasses. These are available right now and come complete with their own little easel. Now I am off and back to the studio to stretch giclees. Have a great evening!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Finished At last !

I did it, I finished my Jesse Reno inspired painting. My son loves it so I'm very happy.

14X14 Acrylic On Birch Panel

 Thanks to Jesse for the inspiration! This was great fun and very messy! Below are a couple of detail photos...

   And other than finishing this, I also did a 6 minute sketch for my December daily drawing.........

Timing myself 6 minutes keeps me from becoming too tight and picky with it. This is Diva, my Severe McCaw Parrot. Now it's time to get some housework done.....Oh well, someones got to do it right?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Painting Free

I am really having fun with my "Jesse Reno" inspired painting! This is just a quick post to show you all the progress so far..............

Jesse Reno Inspired painting
14X14 On Birch panel

My son wanted mostly red, black, and blue. I have a ways to go with this but I am really enjoying the process

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Daily Drawings

  I have promised myself that I would create a drawing, simple as it may be, everyday during December. Just one sketch per day including weekends, how hard could that be.

  I was sitting in Denny's having lunch with my son and he told me that he would like me to paint a painting just for him. Isn't that sweet! Now, he wants this painting to be an "Ala Jesse Reno" style painting. If your not familiar with Jesse Reno, you can visit his blog here. He is a very talented, raw outsider artist. His works are beautiful really!

  I always carry my little mini Moleskin sketchbook with me as you never know when inspiration may strike. So, while waiting for lunch to arrive (a BLT by the way), I pulled out my Moleskin and sketched up what I thought might look like a Jesse Reno type character. Kinda cute huh.  My son loves it!.....So I guess I will try to whip him up a painting. I'm going to paint it on a birch wood panel, here is the sketch.....

December 1st Daily Drawing

In the meantime, I thought that this sketch could count as my December 1st daily drawing. killing two birds with one stone type of thing. I can't wait to start it. I will post my progress.